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Product: Guide Yourself - stay informed, be aware, take action

Audio book

It's time to "Choose the evidence for greater awareness, and take your next step with confidence." The first chapter of my book is now available.

Back in 2011 I wrote a brief booklet for my clients, whom I felt needed to know the basics before engaging in a psychological intervention. In the meantime, I received many requests for advice and most of the time it seemed as if everyone was looking for a nudge in the right direction. That's when I decided to write this book and focus on three different goals in order to help you "Guide Yourself" on the path towards mental strength, better health and life fulfillment:

To provide relevant information for choosing an efficient psychological approach.

To promote the mental awareness relevant for a preventative mindset.

To help everyone take the right actions and bring meaningful changes in their life.

The book is structured in 3 parts, as the title suggests. In each part I take into account a different area of concern. Part 1 will help you "stay informed" and choose wisely a meaningful approach for your development. The second part looks at the awareness aspects worth considering in order to prevent mental illness, while in the third part I included key elements, to learn your way forward.

Now you can download the first chapter for free. Understand what is "The value of Evidence-Based Paradigms for designing quality interventions." Click below to download.


Product: Guide Yourself - stay informed, be aware, take action available now at cristiannica.co.uk

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