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Questionnaire: Intervention Needs Assessment

Cristian A. Nica

Questionnaire: Intervention Needs Assessment available now at cristiannica.co.uk

Although psychological interventions start from similar assumptions, they address different layers of the human experience.

The intervention needs assessment is an evidence-based approach to help you find the most suitable psychological intervention. It takes into account the mental perspectives that become relevant for psychotherapy, counselling or coaching.

If you represent an organisation, you should know that empirical data will allow you to understand internal processes and plan better procedures for managing distress in your team. The stability of individual traits (such as personality, emotional intelligence or IQ) are just as relevant as the working alliance.

When applied at an organisational level, this instrument will give you the chance to understand the mental needs of everyone involved, and structure interventions for best outcomes.

If you wish to initiate an organisational assessment please get in touch for a tailored procedure, including an intuitive organisational report.

Includes 15 items rated on a five point scale.

results provide a global score, together with additional scores computed on three subscales (psychotherapy, counselling and coaching).


To assess the suitability of a psychological intervention.

Psychological screening

Intervention strategy



13 - 75+


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