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Is consciousness not enough?

Thursday 28 September 2023, 14:50pm

Nature evolved through a harmonious cycle of experience. We follow the rules of evolution unknowingly, yet being in charge of our own development feels like a better option. Is consciousness not enough and do we really need the will for moving forward?

Being a part of both worlds

The outside world wants you to be a part of it. Is sending meaningful hints through your senses, messages for your mind to understand. Everything seems to be synchronized, but how does it all make sense for your development?

The world within is a world of notions, binding together, creating our mind. A tacit neural structure activated in the unconscious. It's main role is to empower self-directed choices while consciousness spreads vital roots between our senses.

How else could you feel in charge of your own development?

Agency is the best reason for the power of will to take over the inner world. By now, you should know that a lack of initiative will not bring you closer to an authentic, or ideal self. When you know yourself, you may value the comfort, and self-acceptance when feeling at ease, but at the same time, you can learn to grow, and fight for a good reason when being challenged.

Why the fight??

Self-fulfillment : Are you good enough?

Procrastination, denial or self-harm, are some of the behaviours by which you might put yourself off. The truth is, no one knows your flaws, so why should you let it show?

I trust you more than you trust yourself: you are always perfectly fit to get better - my favorite "mantra" I would always consider when welcoming a new client. This only shows a personal commitment, as when doing your best, you can only expect better things to come.

Affirmation: you need to show them what you've got.

Social acceptance is one of the core human needs, but everything comes at a cost. If you are struggling with social anxiety, you know that social pressure is the number 1 cause for self-doubt. There is nothing more destructive than believing that you are worthless.

Act with integrity. The standards that really matter are the ones you may find within yourself. Following your moral values will guarantee a life lived with purpose, where intrinsic motivations can set the right pace for you to grow.

Meaning-making: you can't do something meaningful for yourself.

When was it the last time you engaged in a meaningful activity? Life feels so discontinued at times, and is marked by sudden events which craft a personal narrative. It is so unusual to look back and see the gaps, forgetting what lies in between.

Our memory needs to stay consistent with the views we hold about ourselves. If you see yourself as someone strong, then this means that most of the time, you expect to do your best. As a result, others will notice your efforts and you might even help them improve. Dedicating yourself for others can always give you a reason to be proud for living a meaningful life.

Happiness</strong: you don't feel good about your ways of coping.

Happiness is not a pool of positivity, but it could well be a personal equation, which helps you balance experience in order to end up content and peaceful at the end of the day.

We are constantly looking for pleasure, and knowing that the brain enjoys dopamine doesn't mean that medicine will always do the trick. It has been shown that psychoactive medication such as L-dopa can boost the reward centers in the brain, so that most gratifying opportunities would become more obvious when looking for a different course of action. Still, there are other options to consider. Use your imagination, create more variety or join one of my groups to find more clues and let happiness flourish in your life.

What are your options?

  • Accept yourself or deny your true nature.
  • Create for yourself or work on someone else’s projects.
  • Learn from experience or keep making the same mistakes again and again.
  • Take action or just wait for things to happen on their own.

You are, in the here and now. Know yourself, accept yourself, do what's best for you to grow. There is no greater gift to the human mind than the fact of knowing that you can always rely on who you are, and become whoever you want to be.